Why Rose & Poppie?

Rose & Poppie is named for my maternal grandparents. They went by Grammie and Poppie, so clearly Poppie is pretty obvious. Grammie's middle name was Roseabell so that squares that away.

These two people were among the most important in my life. When Poppie passed us grandchildren received a fake poppy with a little piece of chocolate from an anonymous donor. When Grammie later passed I saved and dried a rose from the top of her casket. The two now live in a shadowbox in my office, their stems entwined. This was the inspiration for my first tattoo, which then inspired the company's logo.

A few of my favorite things

  • Classical History/Archaeology (particularly Greco Roman)

  • Languages (US English Native, 5 years HS Spanish, Learning Italian & Greek)

  • Food! From gardening and foraging to cooking and of course, eating!

  • Architecture/Interior Design

  • Reading. Books, Blogs, Comics, Magazines

  • Flying/Aviation.

  • All things technology. Hardware and software

  • Travel. Thus far trips have been within the US/Canada, but I'm looking forward to visiting outside North America

  • Crowdfunding

What do you DO?

Right now Rose & Poppie is going through a restructuring phase.

Stay tuned for the next adventure!